Unboring the daily dos

Check in, check out. Track tasks. Fill in timesheets. Workdays come with some pretty repetitive tasks, but what if they were actually fun and rewarding?

Meet Zookii, the easy-to-use HR tool that puts the game in mundane.

Get Zookii for your company

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Benefits & Features

Turn work into play

Reward team members with redeemable points every time they complete work tasks – from logging in hours to completing projects with next-to-impossible deadlines.

Accumulated points can then be used at the ‘Mulla Store’ to earn free coffee, breakfast, candy, a day off and anything else you can think of!

Spread the love

Do you enjoy working with a teammate? Did someone’s help make your day a little easier? Are you just glad your colleagues exist? Tell them.

Send daily Happiness Stickers to co-workers to let them know you appreciate them, without making it awkward.

Ease the process

Collecting documents, applying for annual leave and requesting official forms are a mission, but they don’t have to be.

With Zookii, staff can access and update their own personal data when required and ask for any official letters they may need.

Your hub for teamwork

Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements: they all live tidily together in hatcher. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating online is as easy as collaborating in person.